

Selena Gomez & The Scene

My friend Kayley got me to shoot Selena Gomez at Molson Amp this week-really diggin shooting live shows lately, but it's definitely a difficult task! As I walked into the venue I got a wave of deja vu-I've been here before! I've been the eight year old with my concert tee and my home-made sign that reads "I love (insert 90s pop artist here)," running to find their seat, so excited I might pee. The sold out crowd was made up of a clan of little girls, and their moms waving their over-priced glow-sticks in a synchronized movement, while their dads waited in the parking lot with their extra large double-doubles. Opening band was Allstar Weekend-never heard of 'em, they were...alright. They were a bunch of preppy kids that looked(and sounded) like they walked straight out of an episode of The OC, basically. 



A Year Without Rain

She spent half of the time on the cat walk, so most of my shots are of the back of her head. Yay..

Photo Fail, I got the shot, and then this asshole got in my way...
Note to self: throw elbows in the pit.

Looking more and more everyday like her namesake. Gorgeous. 

Shooting these shows are a learning process I guess-lighting changes so quickly, you're in a small space with a bunch of other photographers trying to get a better shot than you, and if you're shooting a performer that's dancing and moving around, you gotta move with them too. I guess we'll see what happens!

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