

Selena Gomez & The Scene

My friend Kayley got me to shoot Selena Gomez at Molson Amp this week-really diggin shooting live shows lately, but it's definitely a difficult task! As I walked into the venue I got a wave of deja vu-I've been here before! I've been the eight year old with my concert tee and my home-made sign that reads "I love (insert 90s pop artist here)," running to find their seat, so excited I might pee. The sold out crowd was made up of a clan of little girls, and their moms waving their over-priced glow-sticks in a synchronized movement, while their dads waited in the parking lot with their extra large double-doubles. Opening band was Allstar Weekend-never heard of 'em, they were...alright. They were a bunch of preppy kids that looked(and sounded) like they walked straight out of an episode of The OC, basically. 



A Year Without Rain

She spent half of the time on the cat walk, so most of my shots are of the back of her head. Yay..

Photo Fail, I got the shot, and then this asshole got in my way...
Note to self: throw elbows in the pit.

Looking more and more everyday like her namesake. Gorgeous. 

Shooting these shows are a learning process I guess-lighting changes so quickly, you're in a small space with a bunch of other photographers trying to get a better shot than you, and if you're shooting a performer that's dancing and moving around, you gotta move with them too. I guess we'll see what happens!



I got the most amazing opportunity to go to Chicago and shoot Lollapalooza for Envy Magazine! I am so grateful to have been given this chance to shoot alongside some amazing photographers-I hope this isn't the last time I am able to shoot Lolla :)

Lolla Cake made by Charm City Cakes

Amazing Art at Perrys Tent

Ryan Leslie

Skylar Grey


Crowd at Lollapalooza


Noah and the Whale

Noah and the Whale

Noah and the Whale

City and Colour

City and Colour


Best Coast

Best Coast in a torrential downpour

We also had some downtime after lolla to relax and enjoy the city. I completely fell in love with Chicago-it was full of amazing architecture, and beautiful people.

View from the room :)

Streets of Chicago

Jellies at the Shedds Aquarium

Bebe frog

Our feets at Willis Tower

And of course, how could we not have some deep dish pizza

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